Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Levels

  • Ultra Violet ($10,000 and up)
    - Largest logo at banner top, robot, shirt, and website
    - Name included in news coverage of the team
  • Purple ($5000 - $9,999)
    - Largest logo near banner top, robot, shirt, and website
    - Name included in news coverage of the team
  • Gold ($2,500 - $4,999)
    - Large logo on banner, robot, shirt, & website
  • Silver ($1,000 - $2,499)
    - Small logo on banner & website

  • Bronze (< $1,000)
    - Small logo on our website

Our Sponsors

In honor of Alex Ware and the Ferretti/Defigueirido family

How To Become A Sponsor

1. Click the button below that says Donate Now
2. Select the amount you would like to donate
3. Select "Highlanders FRC" from the drop down menu
4. Add your donation to the cart and pay
Donate Now

Benefits of Supporting Highlander Robotics