Outreach 2023-2024

Giving Talks


Our robot vice captain and software leads gave talks at the 2023 WWRF conference on strategic CAD design and control theory reaching an audience of around 30 people.

Girl Scouts Workshop


An ongoing Outreach effort we have is hosting workshops for local Girl Scouts in our lab to encourage girls’ interest in STEM. In November, a second grade troop visited us. The girls were able to tour the lab and work with several of our female team members to learn the basics of electrical engineering by making a 3D printed unicorn light up.

Piedmont Harvest Festival


Team 8033 ran a booth at the yearly Piedmont Harvest Festival that showcased the team's technical and impact goals as well as opportunities and achievements. Our team held a mini catapult workshop where visitors could make their own catapults out of kits that we provided and shoot ping pong balls for candy prizes.

Summer Camp 2023


Middle schoolers came to join Robotics a-CAD-emy summer of 2023! We introduced CAD in an engaging way through designing and creating your own CAD projects using Onshape. This camp is taught by Highlander Robotics team student leads in the new Piedmont High School engineering lab. The student leads used their experience on an FRC team to give students a deeper understanding of advanced robotics and the engineering design process.

FLL and FTC Volunteering

11/2023, 10/2023 and 01/2024

In partnership with Piedmont Makers, we actively support our local FIRST community. Our team has staffed 3 FLL and FTC local tournaments and scrimmages just this season. For the FTC qualifier alone, our team volunteered a collective 100 hours.

FLL and FTC Mentoring


8033 plays a valuable mentoring role for our local FLL and FTC teams. Our students have mentored new FTC members, introducing them to FIRST and teaching them how to code and design. We have also mentored experienced teams like Juice, who made it to final division alliance captains at the world championship in 2023. CHANGE PHOTO TO VAUGHN AND JUICE